Important Law Review: Why Courts Have to Take a New Look at Shaken Baby Cases
23/10/12 13:36
An important law review was just published on why courts need to be taking a new look at “shaken baby syndrome” based convictions based on the new evidence. The author of the article is Professor Keith Findley was is the director of the Wisconsin Innocence Project. This article is one of many recent developments which suggest that courts may finally have to reassess their position on this highly controversial diagnosis. Read More...
New York Times Raises Concerns About shaken baby syndrome (non-accidental head trauma or abusive head trauma).
03/02/11 17:11
Today’s New York Times has an excellent article dealing with the problems involving the all too popular forensic diagnosis that a child is suffering from shaken baby syndrome (now referred to as “non-accidental head trauma”). For years, doctor’s and nurses were taught that subdural hemorrhaging and retinal hemorrhaging were indicate of child abuse (shaken baby syndrome). Courts around the country routinely admitted this evidence and Daubert challenges were failing.
Recently, the reliability of this evidence has come into doubt. The Wisconsin Court of Appeals order granting a new trial in the Audrey Edmunds case is widely cited as an example of a change in attitude by the Courts about this evidence. The Edmunds case, however, is the exception and took place only after years of fighting by the Wisconsin Innocence Project. Most U.S. courts continue to admit this evidence without question and contemptuously turn back defense Daubert motions.
Update: I just found an interesting discussion on a group called Common Health where folks on both sides are discussing the issue. While the level of rhetoric is sometimes fairly high, the discussion is fascinating.
Meanwhile, the Canadian Government (particularly after the “Goudge Report”) has been looking into wrongful convictions based on this horribly abused diagnosis. Search on Dr. Charles Smith and you’ll find a series of troubling cases where individuals were locked up based on this pediatric forensic pathologist’s testimony. Canada is now freeing these individuals, compensating them, and trying to restore the affected individuals’ lives.
Update: The Winnipeg Free Press and Globe & Mail are now reporting that Dr. Smith’s medical license was revoked yesterday based on his testimony. See also the excellent discussion of Dr. Charles Smith and the damage he caused on the Shaken Baby & Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Blog.
The UK government has also set up Innocence Commissions to deal with the number of wrongful conviction which have taken place. In the UK, the Goldsmith Commission has been clearing family after family of these wrongful convictions. (Individuals interested in the UK approach should also read the new Crown Prosecution Service Standard).
Even where there is evidence of bleeding, the actual injury could have taken place period much earlier in time than originally imagined. Rebleeding is much easier than the experts originally believed.
Parents who have had a child suffer a horrible injury want to lash out. The Eappens still blame their former nanny Louise Woodward for the injuries to their child despite all heir medical training and the developments. Most importantly, the prosecution’s main expert in the case (Patrick Barnes) switched viewpoints and is now one of the strongest critics of the diagnosis.
You have two massively different points of opinions on this evidence and you have to ask how can a lay jury decide. Under Michigan law, when the state believes a person died as a result of criminal activity they have prove that causation to a medical certainty. One has to wonder how that can ever be proven in Michigan were the cause of death is “shaken baby syndrome.” The elephant in that room, however, is that for the case to be a murder case there has to be a dead baby Cases involving dead babies are emotionally very difficult to dismiss.
In Michigan, Court have bee generally admitting this evidence and treating the question as a question for the jury. As was reported earlier here and here, the Bulmer acquittals in the Macomb County Circuit Court at least open the possibility that things are changing. The Michigan Innocence Project is taking a hard look at these cases.
Recently, the reliability of this evidence has come into doubt. The Wisconsin Court of Appeals order granting a new trial in the Audrey Edmunds case is widely cited as an example of a change in attitude by the Courts about this evidence. The Edmunds case, however, is the exception and took place only after years of fighting by the Wisconsin Innocence Project. Most U.S. courts continue to admit this evidence without question and contemptuously turn back defense Daubert motions.
Update: I just found an interesting discussion on a group called Common Health where folks on both sides are discussing the issue. While the level of rhetoric is sometimes fairly high, the discussion is fascinating.
Meanwhile, the Canadian Government (particularly after the “Goudge Report”) has been looking into wrongful convictions based on this horribly abused diagnosis. Search on Dr. Charles Smith and you’ll find a series of troubling cases where individuals were locked up based on this pediatric forensic pathologist’s testimony. Canada is now freeing these individuals, compensating them, and trying to restore the affected individuals’ lives.
Update: The Winnipeg Free Press and Globe & Mail are now reporting that Dr. Smith’s medical license was revoked yesterday based on his testimony. See also the excellent discussion of Dr. Charles Smith and the damage he caused on the Shaken Baby & Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Blog.
The UK government has also set up Innocence Commissions to deal with the number of wrongful conviction which have taken place. In the UK, the Goldsmith Commission has been clearing family after family of these wrongful convictions. (Individuals interested in the UK approach should also read the new Crown Prosecution Service Standard).
Even where there is evidence of bleeding, the actual injury could have taken place period much earlier in time than originally imagined. Rebleeding is much easier than the experts originally believed.
Parents who have had a child suffer a horrible injury want to lash out. The Eappens still blame their former nanny Louise Woodward for the injuries to their child despite all heir medical training and the developments. Most importantly, the prosecution’s main expert in the case (Patrick Barnes) switched viewpoints and is now one of the strongest critics of the diagnosis.
You have two massively different points of opinions on this evidence and you have to ask how can a lay jury decide. Under Michigan law, when the state believes a person died as a result of criminal activity they have prove that causation to a medical certainty. One has to wonder how that can ever be proven in Michigan were the cause of death is “shaken baby syndrome.” The elephant in that room, however, is that for the case to be a murder case there has to be a dead baby Cases involving dead babies are emotionally very difficult to dismiss.
In Michigan, Court have bee generally admitting this evidence and treating the question as a question for the jury. As was reported earlier here and here, the Bulmer acquittals in the Macomb County Circuit Court at least open the possibility that things are changing. The Michigan Innocence Project is taking a hard look at these cases.